Course curriculum

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    Section 3: Anticipating and Addressing Concerns

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    Section 4: Mastering Problem-Solving Techniques

    • Download Lecture Notes

    • Assessing the Situation

    • Investigating Customer Complaints

    • Identifying Customer Needs

    • Demonstrating Empathy

    • Listening Before Diagnosing

    • Quiz

    • Asking the Right Type of Questions

    • Preventing Negative Emotions

    • Empowering the Customer

    • Following up with Customers

    • Offering Solutions

    • Quiz

    • Recommended Resources

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    Section 5: Using Language Strategically

    • Download Lecture Notes

    • Using Partnership Language

    • Restoring the Customer's Confidence

    • Strategies for Written Communication

    • Getting Past Resistance

    • Understanding Customer Motivations

    • Tactful Ways to Deliver Bad News

    • Following up to Thank the Customer

    • When and How to Escalate Complaints

    • Best Practices for Escalating Complaints

    • Setting Appropriate Boundaries

    • Quiz

    • Recommended Resources

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    Section 6: Transforming Feedback into Growth Opportunities

    • Download Lecture Notes

    • Learning from Challenges

    • Embracing Mistakes

    • Finding Opportunities to Improve

    • Preserving the Relationship

    • Turning Upset Customers Into Fans

    • Approaching Every Problem as an Opportunity

    • Using Websites to Collect Feedback

    • Using Emails for Customer Feedback

    • Using Social Media, Chat, and Apps for Feedback

    • Analyzing Results

    • Addressing Common Complaints (Part 1)

    • Addressing Common Complaints (Part 2)

    • Quiz

    • Recommended Resources

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    Section 7: Thriving Through Self-Care and Resilience

    • Download Lecture Notes

    • Self-Care: Back to the Basics

    • Dealing with Criticism and Negative Emotions

    • Creating a Positive Work Environment

    • Tips for Working Remotely

    • Nutrition to Combat Stress

    • Adopting Healthy Sleep Habits

    • The Importance of Taking Breaks

    • Building a Social Support System

    • Looking Inward to Improve

    • Quiz

    • Recommended Resources

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    Course Completion Instructions

    • Course Completion Instructions

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